Friday, January 13, 2012

On January 6, another immigrant was killed in the Immigrant Detention Center hidden in the industrial outskirts of the city. Ibrahim, 21 years old, from Guinea, supposedly died of natural causes. The state quickly contracted RyanAir to deport all the witnesses to his death. A couple days later, several hundred people gathered outside the Detention Center to protest. Barcelona: Sabotage against State Violence

In Catalunya as with most of Europe, neoliberal cutbacks go hand in hand with funding hikes for the police, austerity and repression.

On January 6, another immigrant was killed in the Immigrant Detention Center hidden in the industrial outskirts of the city. Ibrahim, 21 years old, from Guinea, supposedly died of natural causes. The state quickly contracted RyanAir to deport all the witnesses to his death. A couple days later, several hundred people gathered outside the Detention Center to protest.

The same week, police in the nearby town of Manresa killed the second immigrant in five months.

Vengeance for the kid killed in the CIE
Article translated from Catalan:
*Early January 2012. The dumpsters are full of trash after the orgy of consumption which the Christmas holidays have become.
*Early January 2012. The Foreigners Detention Center, hidden in Zona Franca, is full of people criminalized for not having papers. On the 6th day of this month, a 21-year-old boy, Ibrahim, dies a sudden death. He's not the first, and probably won't be the last.

The streets of the city are awash in misery and precarity, disguised by a false image of peace and happiness. The government has decided it only has money to augment the police and clean up its image, trying to hide the evident oppression it wreaks. The fires of rage can spring to life from a dozen corners.

The same night and the day after the death of Ibrahim, dumpsters were set on fire in the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu and Poble Nou. It was only a small expression of our rage against this murderous system, against any and all systems of power. [Early in the crisis, the city of Barcelona payed an astronomical sum of money to replace all the city dumpsters with new ones that could not be moved as easily for barricades and that supposedly wouldn't be burned easily. Things haven't worked out exactly as they planned].

It is necessary to respond, to demonstrate our solidarity more and more, until we destroy their forced image of peace.

No forgetting, no forgiving.
No CIEs, no raids, no borders.


On the 10th of January, a users' strike against public transportation was called against the new price hikes. The city of Barcelona recently raised metro and bus rates to 2 euros, making it one of the most expensive public transportation systems in the world, while Catalunya is far from the top ten in terms of income. Fines for free-riding were raised to 100 euros. Meanwhile, police now patrol the metro system, and more and more security guards are hired, many of them fascists, while the law has been changed so that physical contact with a security guard constitutes assault on authority, making resistance or flight more dangerous. The approximately 35% raise in prices comes less than a year after the drastic pension reform, which forces people to work longer and receive less in benefits, the cutbacks to healthcare and education, which advances the privatization of both, closes a number of hospitals and health centers, fires hundreds of health and education workers and puts most of the rest (excepting doctors) on increasingly precarious contracts.

Police detained three people on 10 January for attempted sabotage against two metro lines in the center, while the police and media collaborated to suppress the news of other successful acts of sabotage. From Indymedia:

Sabotage in Sabadell against the unjustified price hikes in public transportation

In the early hours of the morning, two groups of people sabotaged Estació Sud de Renfe [metropolitan train] and the train station. They filled the validation machines with insulating foam and also sabotaged the ticket machines.
Against the price hike, ride for free!
We call for direct action and sabotage!
In the early morning the ticket machines at the Renfe station Cornellà Centre and the train station Cornellà Riera were sabotaged. This action is part of the day of strike by users against the raising of prices for "public" transportation.
Against the hike let's ride for free!
We also call for sabotage, direct action, solidarity, and not giving one inch in the fight against the State and Capital.

Sabotage in Gràcia

How much shit do these bastards think we'll swallow? On the one hand they're stealing what few crumbs we're given (pensions, medical attention, old rent contracts, various forms of aid, non-precarious labor contracts), and on the other hand they're obliging us to increasingly finance their corruption. They're bleeding us dry.
Who can pay 2 euros for transportation?
And why don't they cut the salaries of the directors of TMB? [Barcelona Metropolitan Transport]
The distance between the needs they impose on us and their greed is increasingly clear. We won't swallow any more.

For all these reasons, on January 10, as part of the users' strike, we sabotaged a bus on the street Gran de Gràcia, which we also barricaded, while slashing the bus's tires and painting it ("TMB robs us," "TMB doesn't deserve your money" and "Security guards are assaulters").

We are struggling to recover public transportation as a service accessible to everyone, self-organized by its workers, without scabs and parasites like the directors and ticket controllers, and without economic blackmail. Therefore we attack and will continue attacking their profits. And their attempts to intensify the repression with security guards and police in the metros will only oblige us to intensify our struggle.
Yesterday [10 January] we highlighted their vulnerability. It won't be the last time.
--Masked ones

Action against TMB (Camp de l'Arpa)

Yesterday at 11 in the morning a small group of people went to the metro station Camp de l'Arpa to make our own little contribution to the day of strike in public transportation. We went down into the station and fastened open the exit gates, while we painted over the ticket machines, the surveillance cameras, and painted some messages on the walls ("Ride for free!" and "2 euros no way!").
Now more than ever: ride for free and let the directors living off of TMB pay for it!

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