This strong ongoing movement is putting those who have run our lives on notice. . . how protests have already changed the framework by which this country looks upon itself politically and socially, inspiring all kinds of organizing efforts to overcome stagnant, dead end processes with our greater 'progressive energies!
Recent session of combined groups of 'Occupy sites in Humboldt
attended by 150 people
Working committees of these Humboldt collective Assemblies have been formed to tackle upcoming actions and event, better communications, help with more presence at "Occupying sites, legal work, including cases of a permanent injunction against illegal local homeless ordinances and a civil right case against police raids and brutalities.
The continued use of force in attempts to eliminate "Occupy protests in Eureka and across the country by local government and their police best exposes their assault tools for assuring their economic and social control locally, nationally and worldwide.
That this 'Occupy' movement has merely been framed as unlawful 'camping' and some kind of public nuisance by wealthy governing corporate rule is totally beside the point. Demonstrations continue to highlight the right to protest insufferable consequences of any social, economic or environmental policies backed by military force anywhere, as exemplified by this local attempt to forcefully make it lawful to eliminate homeless rights to sleep, or in some cases to even continue living in Eureka without constant harassment and/or jailing.
Locally the Board Of Supervisor, Eureka City Council and District Attorney Gallegos have chosen to ignore protest rights, while never once addressing the pivotal concerns. . . control by means of their oppressive use of force.
+ Asking for Your continued support with much needed food,
early morning coffee, warm clothing, socks, gloves,
thermals, coats and sleeping bags.
especially in face of these recent cold nights.
+ And Your financial contributions are most appreciated
Please send to:
P.O. Box 1082
Eureka, Ca., 95502
We Can never thank you enough for all your support
these past two months.
This coming Mon:
DEC. 12, 11' - 3:00
In Solidarity with the Longshoremen's Union
to shut down all west coast ports.
Gathering at the "C" Street Bayfront, in Old Town
"Wall Street On the Waterfront" is supported
by all of 'Occupy groups in Humboldt
Although no shipping of goods is calendared for this port at present, it is imperative to know about Sierra Pacific and also, Simpson Timber, the parent company of California Redwood Company and Green Diamond Resource Company, which owns roughly 400,000 acres of some of the highest producing lands in the redwood region, lands in various states of recovery from past excessive logging practices. 'the lungs of out Earth'. . . much of which is shipped out of this port.
Join Us
4-6 pm Every Friday
""Celebrating Our Determination"
In support of 'Occupy Eureka
Demanding Our Civil Rights!
Music- Dancing -Coffee - Tea- Cookies
Please write or call your elected representatives to:
1) Demand a return of all confiscated property including signs, literature, and banners; 2) Insist that the police respect the Humboldt Bay Occupies' right to peacefully assemble in protest; 3) Stop the physical abuse of protestors and violations of their civil rights!
Call the District Attorney's Office at 707.267.4400, or email at:;
Call the Board of Supervisors at 707.476.2396, or email at:;;;;
Call the Eureka City Council at 707.441.4144, or email at:
Call the Eureka City Council at 707.441.4144, or email at:;;;;;;
'Occupation humboldt writes:
Since Oct 8th, local police & officials have confiscated every 'Occupy Eureka possessions, arresting them en masse, with no warning or crime. As police cite 'camping ordinances', the protestors cite their constitutional right to assembly and speech. Yet EPD has fenced off the courthouse lawn, prohibiting public assembly. And everyday EPD takes more signs and literature, thus robbing Occupy Eureka of their voice. There have been numerous reports of the EPD arresting and detaining citizens merely for filming police actions, a practice that Occupies around the nation have also been subjected to. There is no justification for halting this demonstration. It's time to SPEAK OUT!
Occupiers setting up the informational booth that would be promptly confiscated. Photo by Occupy Eureka / Source: Facebook
Occupy Elected Officials
Letter Writing Campaign
Letter Writing Campaign
The nationally coordinated, brutal police attacks on the Occupy Movement were supported by the 1%, and now we will strike back with our own coordinated attack on the 1% - a West Coast Port blockade and shutdown on December 12th in order to economically disrupt "wall street on the waterfront."
When we say "Wall street on the waterfront" we point particularly to EGT and Goldman Sachs. The West Coast Ports will be blockaded on December 12th in solidairty with longshoremen and port truckers struggles against EGT and Goldman Sachs.
EGT is an multinational grain exporter consortium. Bunge Ltd is the largest partner in ETG who reported 2.5 billion dollars in profit last year alone and has direct ties to Wall Street and has caused economic despair in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, and now the United States. EGT has been rupturing ILWU jurisdiction in Longview, Washington and bringing in scab labor.
From the Redwood Curtain Anti Fascist Action:
RCAFA is hosting a mobile dance party in solidarity with #Occupy Oakland and their call-out for a west coast port shutdown. We have asked folks interested in involving themselves in the dance party to dress in dark clothing and blue jeans with a change of clothing available. We have done this to ensure the safety of the folks involved. Police routinely use surveillance against activists in an attempt to link them to specific actions. These profiled activists tend to get harassed the most. Being detained, jailed, incriminated, and profiled is what many outspoken activists in our community, a well as elsewhere, face when organizing. We ask the community to respect our call out for a similar clothed bloc to tactically refuse the use of profiling by police. If we look the same, it's harder to tell whose who in the above-ground organizing circuit.
RCAFA is hosting a mobile dance party in solidarity with #Occupy Oakland and their call-out for a west coast port shutdown. We have asked folks interested in involving themselves in the dance party to dress in dark clothing and blue jeans with a change of clothing available. We have done this to ensure the safety of the folks involved. Police routinely use surveillance against activists in an attempt to link them to specific actions. These profiled activists tend to get harassed the most. Being detained, jailed, incriminated, and profiled is what many outspoken activists in our community, a well as elsewhere, face when organizing. We ask the community to respect our call out for a similar clothed bloc to tactically refuse the use of profiling by police. If we look the same, it's harder to tell whose who in the above-ground organizing circuit.
We make 3 proposals for our dance party we wish for all attendee's to respect.
2.WALK! DO NOT RUN IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY (people get hurt that way)
This is a festive event meant for all who wish to attend. RC.AFA takes full responsibility for all folks showing up to dance their booties off and we would never intentionally put anybody in harm's way.
This is a festive event meant for all who wish to attend. RC.AFA takes full responsibility for all folks showing up to dance their booties off and we would never intentionally put anybody in harm's way.
It is clear that, reports in the mainstream media notwithstanding, the Occupy movement continues to grow. A Field Poll released last week showed that 58% of Californians agree with the underlying reasons for Occupy. Some of our encampments may be dormant for now, but Occupy certainly is not. We are continuing with vigils, other direct action, outreach efforts, capacity building, and planning for the future. Our spirits are strong, and our will is unbroken.
Occupy Eureka, In Solidarity
Occupy Wall Street, Humboldt
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