Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Eureka Occupy Raided for the second time

EUREKA -- Police in Eureka arrested 32 adults and one juvenile early Monday morning during the second raid of the Occupy Eureka camp in as many weeks.

The action to dismantle the camp outside of the Humboldt County Courthouse was largely peaceful, except for one person who threw a chunk of asphalt at police, said Eureka police Sgt. Stephen Watson.

Police arrested 13 people when they cleared out the camp early last week, but many of the protesters returned as soon as they were released, Watson said.

"That time was more of a warning," he said. "This time around the department went with, well, a little more stern disposition."

But protesters said they didn't get a warning and were roughed up by police.

"Pain compliance techniques, including the use of nunchaku-like devices, were used on nonviolent, cooperative demonstrators and their cries for help could be heard from across the street," according to an e-mail from the Occupy Eureka group.

Police walked the 33 arrested people around the corner to the county jail, which is part of the courthouse. A juvenile and a man with unrelated medical issues were released. The remaining 31 protesters will be held until they post bail, Watson said.

The district attorney has agreed to prosecute participants for unlawful lodging and other charges, Watson said. Confiscated tents and other supplies will likely be held as evidence until court proceedings are complete.

County officials likely will erect a semi-permanent fence around the courthouse lawn to keep protesters from returning, he said.

"We had a lot of complaints from residents, from businesses and from the county," he said.

E-mail Will Kane at wkane@sfchronicle.com. Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/11/14/BAGA1LUSGK.DTL#ixzz1djiyl1Wv

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