Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Support Anti-fascist Arrested During Bay Area Nazi Rally

Looks like Harrisburg, Pennsylvania isn't the only place antifa caused Nazis pain on Feb. 27th. The Sacramento rally was a barn burner as well. You helped the folks out in Harrisburg, and the antifa arrested is now out. Now we need your help with folks in California.

Anarchist Black Cross

Below is an unedited message (except for the name at the end) from our BA ABC comrade after his visit with Eric Desouza

“Yo. I just got back.

He is doing pretty well. Trying to sleep as much as possible. He got an email from the Oakland Werewolves and said it was huge in lifting his spirits – he said to keep them coming. He says he loves all of us and is incredibly thankful for everything we are doing. I let him know that when he goes back into the cell and its quiet and he isnt sure if anyone is thinking about him that I am literally 6 blocks away and have him on my mind and am working towards getting him out.

I was honest w/ him about the seriousness of his charges and that given the bail he may be in longer then expected. He said he feels like he can hold out for 2 more weeks and then psycologically would need to get out.

shared as much as I could remember from your email but they wouldnt let me take my fucking notes into the visit. He laughed good and hard about Comrade Eric, The Nazi Slayer FB event.

A few key things:

1) He wants his parents to know how much support he has on the outside (us, other individuals supporting him, the A-R Crew, ABC BA, NLG etc), to show them that he was in the right. He says that they should be willing to put in $5k or something close to it and would likely be will to put in more if they know others are also putting in $ to get him out.

If we can take what his folks put in, combine it w/ what the A-R Crew can put in and then try to set-up a donation fund and see if we can start to get close to the $10k – hopefully by that time it will have been reduced a little. I am going to see if we can get the ABC BA site set-up w/ a donation piece. 2) Related to # 1, he thought it would be good if I contacted his parents about our visit and talked to them, try to see if they could come up on a day off and visit him at the jail.

If yall can come up Friday maybe I could trek back down to the bay with yall and we could talk with his folks together? This might also help show them that he has a lot of support.

3) I told him that I would either stay in Sac or would keep coming back out here to make sure his 2 “social” visits per week were filled-up. So we could at least just talk and get him out of his cell twice a week for 45mins each time.

I think that is all – I couldnt take any fucking notes during our visit so its all a memory game.

I need to get some dinner – feel free to call me anytime tonight after like 930. Generally, you can reach out anytime you want.

Love and Solidarity to you and (name deleted). As if we needed this one more reason to tear this shit apart..

(name removed by BA ABC)

Eric's new charges as far as we know are:

PC 148(A)(1) Misdemeanor
PC 185 Misdemeanor
PC 245(C) Felony
PC 404.6(A) Misdemeanor
PC 600(B) Misdemeanor
PC 69 Felony
Bail: $100,000.00

Let's put our energy together to get our comrades in Sacramento ad Alameda County out of the hands of the enemy.

Eric Desouza Bail Fund

Arrestee from anti nazi demo “issued a jail uniform with a swastika on the back”

While police and California Highway Patrol officers stopped African Americans from crossing the picket lines, Kyle Lesley found he could cross back and forth at will. Kyle, a member of the Occupy SF Media team, was covering the Sacramento protest of the openly racist “South Africa Project” on February 27th when people nearby started throwing things at the police. At 2:50pm, as Kyle continued recording video and taking photos, a CHP officer tackled him, injuring himself in the process.

In a phone interview this morning, Kyle reported being issued a jail uniform with a swastika on the back and being held in one cell for 48 hours with no shower. When he requested his one hour of exercise, they allowed him to do so, but only when shackled.

Sacramento police charged Kyle with possession of cannabis, felony resisting arrest, 3 counts of resisting or obstructing a police officer, riot with threat of force and interfering with a police animal (a horse). While most of these charges were dropped, Kyle is still charged with 3 counts of pc section 148(a)-(1), resisting or obstructing, pc406, rout and interfering with a police animal.

Occupy SF, along with other Occupies are presently organizing his court support, scheduled for 8:30am on March 5, 2012. The hearing will take place at 651 I Street in Sacramento. Police confiscated Kyle’s computer and camera and they are being held for evidence.

We are hearing that the National Lawyers Guild is going to be supporting him on his case.


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